Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Spiritual Gifts
1Corinthians's 12
Eph 4
Speaking Gifts, Serving Gifts and Signifying Gifts..
Next Wed. 6pm to learn more!
Pastor Ham recommended Link for learning more about your spiritual Gifts
Crown Ministries
Personality I.D.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
Evidence Of Growth
1.Increase of Love
1 thes.3:12/ 3:13
2.Increase in Faith
2 Thes3:3
3.Increase in Knowledge of God
Col 1:10 /John 15
Gal 5:22
Means to Help you Grow in Grace
1.The Word/Scripture!
2.Trouble James 1:2
1Peter 4:12-13
Evaluation Time
Are you Growing?
Do you Have an Increase in Love for people?

Some scriptures and notes from today: not all just what I highlighted, Kim.
click on the scriptures and it will take you to a link of the scripture.
Relay for life meeting in the fellowship Hall.
6pm Bible Study with Dennis Harris
“Galatians –Ephesians”
February 117“Heart and Hands” Bible Study @ 9:30am at the church.
“Life Lessons with Ruth and Esther.” Babysitting is provided.
February 17 Tuesday @ 6:00pm Easter Choir Practice
February 17 Tues.@ 3:45pm Ladies Bible Study with Beverly Bradley.
“Preparing your Heart for Easter”
Study will be at Linda Rockenback’s home (8-3480)
February 18 Wed. @ 6pm Christianity 101 Bible Study with Pastor Jason
February 20 Friday “Fireproof the Movie” 7pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Bring snacks to share.

February 21 Men’s Breakfast 8am and MEN’S Work day. Preparing the ground for the Playground equipment.
February 23- Monday “Deaconess Meeting” 5:00pm
February 26 Thursday @ 7pm Singer Chris Tomlins will be at Canyon Ridge,
Las Vegas. Tickets are $25.00 and if 10 or more people go Tickets will be $20.00.
See Cein for information
March 7&8 2 Day Seminar “Apologetics/Comparative Religions”
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
RE: Prayer requests
Weekly Bulletin.. a bit late
6pm Bible Study with Dennis Harris
“Galatians –Ephesians”
What’s coming up!
February 9 Mon. Leadership Meeting with PIZZA 6:30pm
February 10 Begins “Heart and Hands” Bible Study @ 9:30am at the church.
“Life Lessons with Ruth and Esther.” Babysitting is provided.
February 10 Tues.@ 3:45pm Ladies Bible Study with Beverly Bradley.
“Preparing your Heart for Easter”
Study will be at Linda Rockenback’s home February 10 Tuesday 6pm, Home Fellowship snacks/games!!
Call Marc for information 7-2434! Babysitting is provided.
February 11 Wed. @ 6pm Christianity 101 Bible Study with Pastor Jason
February 14 Adult Valentines Party 6PM
“Come to the Magical Garden”
Make your reservation today! Sign-ups in Back, Last Day to sign Up!
Wear something dreamy! Bring your wedding photo. $8.00 Per person
Babysitting provided
Coming up Next week......
February 15 Sunday after church Relay for Life Team Meeting. Bring sack lunch.
February 17 Tuesday @ 6:00pm Easter Choir Practice
February 20 Friday “Fireproof the Movie” 7pm
February 21 Men’s Breakfast 8am
February 26 Thursday @ 7pm Singer Chris Tomlins will be at Canyon Ridge,
Las Vegas. Tickets are $25.00 and if 10 or more people go Tickets will be $20.00.
See Cein for information 8-7744.
March 1 Potluck Time with Walt and Rosanne Jacoby!
March 7&8 2 Day Seminar “Apologetics/Comparative Religions”
Friday, February 6, 2009
Camp week two
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Todays message came from
Exodus 20 (New King James Version)
7 “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.From Todays Bulletin
Relay For Life meeting right after church.
What’s coming up!
February 1 Sunday 6pm New Bible Study with Dennis Harris
February 3 Tues.@ 3:45pm New Ladies Bible Study with Beverly Bradley.
“Preparing your Heart for Easter”
Study will be at Linda Rockenback’s home (398-3480) 3630 Sandy St. Logandale
February 4 Wed. @ 6pm Christianity 101 Bible Study with Pastor Jason
February 9 Mon. Leadership Meeting with PIZZA 6:30pm
February 10 Begins “Heart and Hands” Bible Study @ 9:30am
“Life Lessons with Ruth and Esther.”
February 10 Tuesday 6pm, Invitation For Everyone!
Call Marc for more information 397-2434! Babysitting is provided.
February 14 Adult Valentines Party 6PM
“Come to the Magical Garden”
Make your reservation today! Sign-ups in Back!
Wear something dreamy! Bring your wedding photo. $8.00 Per person
Babysitting provided
February 17 Monday @ 6:00pm Easter Choir Practice
February 21 Men’s Breakfast 8am
March 1 Potluck Time with Walt and Rosanne Jacoby!