Happy Mothers Day!!

The Month of May will challenge us to participate along side the Women’s Resource Medical Center to help raise funds through the Baby Bottle Campaign. Sign your name and pick up your baby bottle today. Fill your baby bottle with loose change around your house. Kids can do chores for their neighbors to raise money and fill their baby bottles. All baby bottles will be collected on May 31.
Sunday night Adult study is on hold.
What’s coming up!
May13th Wed. @ 6pm Christianity 101 Bible Study with Pastor Jason
May 17th Guest Speaker from Women’s Resource Medical Center
May 17th Armed forces Day/ Trustees Meeting

Vacation Bible School items needed: 2 liter soda bottles, toilet paper and paper towel tubes, gallon plastic milk jugs, and small votive candles. Call Penny Harris for information. 397-8576

Kyle Rushing will be serving at Prescott Pines Christian Camp this summer. He would like to raise funds by helping anyone who has some small yard or window cleaning jobs around the home. His Cell #702-743-0426. He will be leaving for Prescott on May 23rd.
Kyle also works at Lins.
Kyle Rushing will be serving at Prescott Pines Christian Camp this summer. He would like to raise funds by helping anyone who has some small yard or window cleaning jobs around the home. His Cell #702-743-0426. He will be leaving for Prescott on May 23rd.
Kyle also works at Lins.
We will be opening our Sunday School Children’s store again May 24th.
We are looking for items to place in the store for ages pre-school through 5th grade. Anything is appreciated. The Dollar Store is a great place to shop.

Sunday Morning Helpers
Nursery Workers May 10 April Jobst Marquis Jobst
May 17 Laura Hoe & Mariah
Greeters May 10 Linda Hart
Children’s Church May 10 Cein Caldwell
Nursery Workers May 10 April Jobst Marquis Jobst
May 17 Laura Hoe & Mariah
Greeters May 10 Linda Hart
Children’s Church May 10 Cein Caldwell